
Flat Foot Stooges (1938)

The boys are firemen who use horse-drawn fire trucks. A salesmen named Fred Reardon tries to convice the fire chief to buy motorized trucks, which he turns down. Reardon tries to fight back by planting dynamite on a fire engine. A duck consumes some of the gun powder and lays an egg that sets the fire station ablaze. The Stooges show up to put out the fire and save the day.


Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb (1938)

Curly wins a radio contest for $50,000 and the Stooges move into the Costa Plente hotel. They wreck havoc by destroying a very valuable bed and a $5000 vase. After the stooges receive their letter from the Coffin Nail Cigarette Company, they discover that after all the taxes they have only won $4.85.


Back From The Front (1943)

The Stooges are merchant sailors whose ship is sunk by a Nazi sub. They managed to sneak on board a German freighter, and manage to knock out and capture all of the crew. They then disguise themselves as Hitler, Goering and Gobbels to fool the ship's officers.


Hoi Polloi (1935)

Two high society professors argue over which influence molds gentlemen. One claims environment is the keystone to social distinction, the other asserts that heredity is the backbone of social life. They pick on nearby trash men (the Stooges) to prove their theory. After spending months in training, the Stooges attend an elegant dinner party, ultimately disproving BOTH professors' theories.


Dizzy Doctors (1937)

The Stooges are lazy good-for-nothings whose wives threaten to kick them out if they don't find work. They land a job as salesmen selling a snake oil called "Brighto". After harassing the citizens and even ruining a man's auto paint job, they make their way into the Los Arms Hospital and try their hand at selling Brighto to the patients. They then enter the Superintendant's office to try and make a sale, but the Super is the same man whose car's paint job was ruined, and the boys must beat a hasty retreat back home.


Micro Phonies (1945)

The boys are radio station janitors being chewed out by their boss. Fleeing from him after a disastrous attempt to repair a radiator, they end up in a recording studio. There, Curly (in drag) is mistaken for an opera singer by a woman who sees the boys lip-synching to a recording made earlier in the day by Alice Andrews (Christine McIntyre). Hired to sing at a party that night, the boys bump into Signor Spumoni, who recognizes them as fakes, and Alice who wants to win a job as a singer on her own to impress her father. With Alice's help, the boys continue the masquerade... but not if Spumoni has anything to say about it!


I'm A Monkeys Uncle (1948)

The Stooges are stone-age cavemen, trying to cope with primitive life. They have to fight for their women Aggie, Maggie and Baggie, when some rival cavemen try to steal them back from the Stooges.


Idiots Deluxe (1945)

Moe is on trial for assault with intent to commit mayhem. Moe explains he is very sick and needs peace and quiet. This segues into a flashback where Moe is disturbed by Larry and Curly's "Original Two-Man Quartet" act. To help Moe relax, Larry and Curly take him on a hunting trip, which is ruined by a grizzly bear. Moe is then found not guilty and chases his roommates out of the courtroom with an axe.


How High Is Up (1940)

The Stooges are itinerate tinkers who are above created work, but they get caught punching holes in workers' lunchboxes and have to run away. They end up on a construction site and pass themselves off as "the best riveters that ever riveted," so they get put to work: on the 97th story!


Half-Wits Holiday (1947)

Two professors take a page from George Bernard Shaw and settle a behaviorism dispute on heredity vs. environment by trying to reform three slovenly, crass handymen, played, of course, by the Stooges. A several-thousand-dollar bet is made, and Prof. Quackenbush sets to training his three Lizas. Several months pass, and the newborn gentlemen attend a dinner party. They behave themselves for about two minutes.


All The World's A Stooge (1941)

Lotta Bullion distresses her husband Ajax with her new plan to take in war refugees. Ajax, already suffering from a toothache, goes to the dentist and mistakes three brainless janitors as dentists. After a successful (if unusual) tooth-pulling, the Stooges escape and take refuge in Ajax's car, where he immediately disguises them as children and introduces them to his wife as the new refugees. In the end, however, it is Ajax chasing them out again... with a large ax.


Grips, Grunts and Groans (1937)

The Stooges are hobos who get thrown off a freight train and chased out of the railroad yard. They hide in the "Hangover Athletic Club," where Curly gets hired as a sparring partner. Ivan Bustoff, wrestling World Champion, takes a shine to the Stooges, and his manager hires them to keep on eye on Bustoff and make sure he doesn't drink. When Ivan gets plastered (and the Stooges knock him cold with dumbells), Moe sends out Curly disguised as Bustoff. Curly finally wins the match, when he goes berserk from smelling "Wild Hyacinth" perfume.


False Alarms (1936)

The Stooges are dim-witted firemen who spend all their time covering up their mistakes so they can impress their girlfriends by being in uniform. Curly sneaks out of the firehouse while on duty and joins the girls. They want him to get the other two to come over, so Curly trips the nearest fire alarm. The fire truck leaves Moe and Larry behind because they have accidentally locked themselves in a janitor's closet. They then take the Captain's car and try to beat the truck to the fire, ultimately wrecking the car.


Dizzy Pilots (1943)

The Stooges are the Wrong Brothers, working on their revolutionary airplane "The Buzzard," which they hope to sell to the Army & thus avoid the draft. When the Buzzard flops, the boys go into the service & have to deal with a fiery drill sergeant.


Calling All Curs (1939)

The Stooges are veterinarians treating a rich lady's dog Garcon. Two men, posing as reporters, come to check out the Stooges' clinic. They are really dognappers who capture Garcon and hold him for a $2000 ransom. The Stooges then search for Garcon and arrive at the home of the dognappers. The boys thwart the villains and find Garcon in a closet with puppies.


Booby Dupes (1945)

The Stooges again run a fish business. Curly suggests that they buy a boat to catch their own fish. "That would eliminate the middleman and the profit would all be ours." They buy sailor outfits, with Curly masquerading in a real Captain's uniform, and then are mistaken for Japanese when their boat sinks and they have to raise a paint-splattered rag to signal for help.


Higher Than A Kite (1943)

The Stooges join the RAF hoping to fly, but wind up as motor pool mechanics instead. After they destroy a Colonel's car, they hide in a "sewer pipe" which is actually a blockbuster bomb being loaded onto a plane. After the bomb is dropped behind enemy lines, Moe and Curly disguise themselves as German soldiers, while Larry dresses as a seductive (?) senorita. Marshal Boring falls for Larry in drag, and the Stooges manage to steal the Germans' war plans.


Back To The Woods (1937)

It is colonial times and the Stooges are tried by an English court for fighting some guards. They're sentenced to protect the colonies from the Indians. The Governor tries to make peace, but the Indian chief demands too high a price for the Pilgrims to pay for hunting privileges, so things look grim. The Stooges decide to hunt for the colonists anyway, and run into a lot of trouble with the Indians.


An Ache in Every Stake (1941)

The Stooges portray incredibly klutzy ice men who accidentally cause Mr. Lawrence (Vernon Dent) to smash not one but two birthday cakes. When they drive Mrs. Lawrence's cook and maid to quit, the Stooges volunteer to prepare the dinner, not knowing who her husband is!


A Plumbing We Will Go (1940)

This classic starts off with The Three Stooges in court, accused of stealing chickens from Mrs. Throttlebottom's chicken coop. Justice does not prevail, and the Stooges are found innocent. Now free, Moe, Larry, and Curly cause more mischief by fishing for their supper... in a fish tank in front of a pet store. They're caught by a police officer, and when hiding in Bilbo the Magician's magic box fails, they steal Casey the plumber's truck for a getaway. Stopping at a mansion, the butler comes out and tells the "plumbers" they are an hour late and need to get to work right away. Before they can explain they're not plumbers, the police officer who was chasing them appears, so they quickly inform the butler they are "the best plumbers to ever plumb a plum," rushing into the mansion before the officer catches them. Total mayhem ensues as the Stooges try to be good plumbers, but in lovable Stooge fashion, fail miserably.


Dizzy Detectives (1943)

A mysterious Ape Man is committing burglaries, and Mr. Dill, the head of the Citizens League, is demanding action. Rookie cops Moe, Larry and Curly rush to the scene of the latest burglary, Gypsom Good Antiques, where they discover that the "Ape Man" is a real gorilla, and that Mr. Dill is behind the robberies.


A Ducking They Did Go (1939)

After unsuccessfully stealing a watermelon, the Stooges get jobs as salesmen for the Canvas Back Duck Club and end up selling phony memberships to the Mayor and the entire Police Department. When they discover that there are no ducks at the Duck Club, Curly steals a flock of domesticated ducks and the laughs really start.


Bubble Trouble (1953)

Moe, Larry, and Shemp run a drug store and their store is in danger of closing down, so the boys make a fountain of youth so they could maybe keep their store. It works on women, but after they try it on Flint, the owner of the building, he turns into a gorilla, and now the stooges have a problem!
